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Author: Ahmad Date: 22/12/2024 Category: Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Different Methods to Connect to a GCP Linux Compute Engine Instance

Connect to a GCP Linux Compute Engine Instance

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a robust and scalable infrastructure, and one of its core services is the Compute Engine, which provides virtual machines (VMs) running on Google’s infrastructure. Connecting to a Linux-based Compute Engine instance is a common task for developers and system administrators.

This blog will guide you through the process, step by step. 

Method 1: Connect via Google Cloud Console


  • Create Google Linux compute engine.
  • Navigate to the VM instances page: VM instances:
    • Locate your Linux VM and click the SSH button in the corresponding row.
    • Click on Open in browser window.

  • A browser-based terminal will open, connecting you directly to the instance.

Method 2: Connect via gcloud CLI using CloudShell


  • Create Google Linux compute engine.
  • Open the Cloud shell terminal.
    • To connect to the Linux instance, use the command:
      • gcloud compute ssh [INSTANCE_NAME] --zone=[ZONE]
        • Replace [INSTANCE_NAME] with the name of your instance and [ZONE] with its zone (e.g., us-central1-a).

 Step 3: Connect via gcloud CLI using gcloud SDK

·         Process:

o    Create Google Linux compute engine.

o    Follow these steps to connect to a Linux instance:

§  Install the Google Cloud SDK on your workstation.

§  Open the command line interface in your workstation.

ü  Authenticate using gcloud auth login.

ü  Set the default Google Cloud project for your gcloud commands using gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID].

Ø  Replace [PROJECT_ID] with the ID of your Google Cloud project.

ü  To connect to the Linux instance, use the command gcloud compute ssh [INSTANCE_NAME] --zone=[ZONE]

Ø  Replace [INSTANCE_NAME] with the name of your instance and [ZONE] with its zone (e.g., us-central1-a).

§  The Linux terminal will open, establishing a direct connection to the instance.

Step 4: Connect via ssh using own SSH Key defined in the Project metadata

·         Process:

o    On your local machine, generate an SSH key pair.

§  Use the key comment as the login name for Linux Compute Engine.

§  Save public key and private key, on your local machine.

o    Navigate to Compute engine > Metadata.

§  Click the SSH Keys.

§  Click Add SSH Key.

ü  Select Add Item.

Ø  Copy the Public Key.

o    Copy the External/ Internal IP of the compute engine.

o    Follow these steps to connect to a Linux instance:

§  Launch PuTTY or another compatible tool.

ü  Expand Connection > SSH > Auth and select credentials.

ü  Click Browse and locate your private key file.

§  The Linux terminal will open and prompt you for a username. Enter the username to connect to the instance.

Step 4: Connect via ssh using own SSH Key defined in the Compute Engine

·         Process:

o    On your local machine, generate an SSH key pair.

§  Use the key comment as the login name for Linux Compute Engine.

§  Save public key and private key.

o    Create Google Linux compute engine.

§  In the Security section:

ü  Select Add Item, under Add manually generated SSH keys.

ü  Copy the Public Key.

o    Copy the External/ Internal IP of the compute engine.

o    Follow these steps to connect to a Linux instance:

§  Launch PuTTY or another compatible tool.

ü  Expand Connection > SSH > Auth and select credentials.

ü  Click Browse and locate your private key file.

§  The Linux terminal will open and prompt you for a username. Enter the username to connect to the instance.


Step 5: Connect via ssh using own username and password

·         Process:

o    Create Google Linux compute engine.

§  In the Advanced section:

ü  Copy the script below (adjust it according to your Linux distribution) under Startup script.

$sec_pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "lab-password@123" -AsPlainText -Force

New-LocalUser -Name gcpadmin -PasswordNeverExpires -Password $sec_pass

Add-LocalGroupMember -Group Administrators -Member gcpadmin


o    Copy the External/ Internal IP of the compute engine.

o    Follow these steps to connect to a Linux instance:

§  Launch PuTTY or another compatible tool.

§  The Linux terminal will open and prompt you for a username. Enter the username to connect to the instance.

§  The Linux terminal will open and prompt you for a password. Enter the password to connect to the instance.